Thoughts on Enterprise Architecture & Vitruvius

Principles of human body proportions. This is one of the references for an architect, when considering that Architecture is about shaping spaces for human flourishing and activity.Transposed to Enterprise Architecture, what’s relevant isn’t that much human body, but “shaping spaces”. Technology. It is worth and even required to differentiate Technology related to “Firmitas” and Technology … Read more

‘Business-IT’ Alignment – Enterprise Architecture

Let’s not remind that Enterprise Architecture isn’t IT Architecture.And this is not only a matter of naming !Maybe that it wouldn’t have been an issue if Enterprise Architecture meaning wasn’t referring to another foundational scope. The image already says a lot. However, let’s add some comments. Business and IT are different domains, not only by … Read more

Elevating from “(Enterprise) Modelling” to Enterprise Architecture

The following discussion is meant to nuance and translate the perspective angle of modelling practice to an architectural approach. To explain this point, we’ll use the well–known ArchiSurance case study, which illustrates the use of ArchiMate® in the context of TOGAF®’s business and IT viewpoints. Figure 1 shows the model of the “Handle claim” process … Read more

Why “as-a-whole” ?

The previous article “Scale in Enterprise Architecture” talks about scale, granularity and shaping criteria.Moreover it’s meant to show that Enterprise Architecture scope extends way beyond a mesh of components at a sole detailed level. So, what does it mean for Enterprise Architecture practice ? Current practices are facing an extended mesh and they have to … Read more

“Scale” in Enterprise Architecture

“Scale” is an elementary aspect in Architecture.Yet, it’s completely neglected in Enterprise Architecture, surprisingly … or not !. EA current practices relates to defining components, and their orchestrations, meant to fulfil or to support identified business activities. As the activity growths and evolves, so does the landscape of components.As you’ll need to use a higher … Read more

Enterprise shaping

Enterprise’s schemes For historical reasons, most Companies are structured with a “silos” scheme.Each business line has evolved independently, with its process, its information, its technology.Some models and frameworks have introduced a layering principle to break the segregated silos scheme. These initiatives are meant to ease transversal views. Meanwhile, technology has evolved as-well. Its originating purpose … Read more

Enterprise … purposely Architecture

Synonym of structure The term “architecture” is widely used, in common language, as a synonym of “structure”.It has significantly influenced (if not defined) the Enterprise Architecture practice. Consequences are non negligible. Current building practice is focused on Enterprise modeling.The practice is supported by Frameworks which provide ontology and methods to organize viewpoints.In such a scheme, … Read more

“Business-IT alignment” disambiguation

“Business” and “IT” alignment is surely a major concern for every Company. If not a bottleneck, it can be a consequent hindrance for any Strategy or Program implementation. Usually, “Business” feels that “IT” doesn’t always provide efficient or accurate response.Therefore, in order to solve it, in order to mitigate risk of misalignment, Companies ask “Business” … Read more

“Time to let the Business do its job!”

Most of the time, Business is complaining about IT being a pain-point. Business feels that IT does not provide business efficiency and that it is a hindrance to its development.Business being the purpose, choice is made that Business has to drive IT. Also, as the market environment is going more and more digital, many business … Read more

Enterprise Architecture’s meaning is why Companies still miss its value

Most companies wonder about the value of Enterprise Architecture and are still missing it. There’s several reasons. Historical misuses, misunderstanding, …Listing them can be endless and wouldn’t be that useful. Logically, a lot of business have been generated, and this has led to an established and deeply installed situation.The situation is getting more confused as … Read more